Ketamine modulates NE-glial communication to increase behavioral perseverance
As joint project with Alex B. Chen, we are currently studying how ketamine modulates a norepinephrine-glial circuit involved in futility-induced passivity. We adapted and established a behavioral assay named zebrafish futile swimming test or zFST. This assay will allow for a better understanding of molecular pathways involved in this behavioral transition and could be used for screening purposes at higher throughput than the FST or TST in rodents. This is an active collaboration between the following labs: Engert Lab, Ahrens Lab, Fishman Lab, Olson Lab, Bergles Lab, Cohen Lab.
Click the image to check out the article, out in Neuron!
Integration and modulation of internal state by glia
Linked to the previous project, I am also interested in understanding whether glia can integrate neuromodulatory signals related to internal states (such as hunger, stress) and relay signals to other neural populations to control behavior. I plan to use the futility-induced passivity behavior as a readout of astrocytic state and test whether changes in internal state of the animal have any impact on astrocytic activity. This work will be funded by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF).
From Ori et al. 2023 Nature Physics
Excitable non-linear in vitro systems
Working in the Cohen Lab as a rotation student and under the supervision of Hiller Ori, I studied how non-excitable cells expressing different voltage-gated channels can become excitable, and how the topology of the culture can influence the voltage and calcium dynamics. I am still interested in using similar in vitro systems to understand chemical computation in non-excitable cells, such as astrocytes, and how second messengers could relay information in the astrocytic syncytium.